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buildings with a hundred floors,
spinning 'round revolving doors.
baby i don't know where they'll take me.

entries about ask links

Saturday Night
Saturday, March 22, 2014 // 7:37 PM

There are 4 S that I totally love! Saturdays! Steamboats! Suprises! And Success!

It may not be a major celebration, but moments like these counts. With the people that matters to you on a Saturday night, I'd never trade this for anything else. Setting up the place to get ready and shits, I had a great time. 

I don't know. But all of us are growing up, it's not easy to get everyone together. I badly miss my Friday and Saturday night plans with them. We hardly have it nowadays. Basically why I love birthdays; it gets everyone together. After so long for wanting a night like this, I'm definitely contented.

So here's to our bro's 20th birthday, Happy Birthday Izzat! 

Alhamdulillah, I am a woman with a caring man.
Monday, January 27, 2014 // 9:51 AM

Have you ever thought how tough his responsibilities are for his family, his woman and especially himself?

He have to be a good role model, protect the ones he loves and support them. 

There were times times that I was annoyed, I thought I was controlled. He wouldn't let me go out on my own, especially at night. I said, "But I always do and nothing happened." He would get mad at me for wearing revealing clothes. He would keep me down when I'm too loud in public. He would spam me calls and texts when I'm out to work or with my friends. 

I'll be like, "OMG URGH I KNOW LAH! I can take care of myself!" But then again, I realized why he is doing this to me. There's only one reason, he cares.

He wouldn't let me walk on my own at night 🌜because he's afraid someone might follow me home/get raped/etc. 

As much as I've done it before, anything still can happen. There are days that you're lucky while some days you are not. He will take every opportunity that he can just to send me home. If not from the location itself, the bus stop will do. 

He would get mad 😡 at me for wearing revealing clothes.
I really can't help it! & no its not that I wanna wear them badly, just that some tshirts I wear the collar tend to fall. But yes I understand him, he wouldn't want any other guys to look at my protruding boobs or cleavage. Maybe normal guys will take it as "Okay its just a freakin boob/cleavage" but there really are some sick minded males that will stare and get aroused. This kind of thoughts will usually fall into rape cases.

He would keep me down when I'm too loud⚡️ in public.
I often get offended as I'm pretty embarrassed and sensitive too. Sometimes I can't accept certain things that people confronted about me. "Fine, I'll shut up, sorry for being an embarrassment to your image." Well, to be talking really loudly really IS embarrassing. Basically, he do not want me to be a public nuisance. 

He would spam me calls ☎️ and texts when I'm out to work or with my friends. 
I'm the kind of person that will get carried away and I will not realize that I've a text or phone call. & he will be very furious and frustrated!! Really furious 😳 He is just worried. He worries that anything might happen to me when I'm out of his sight. He wants to be the guy that can protect me whenever he can. So whenever he's not with me, he just wanna ensure I'm alright throughout the time. 

Being a woman, we need not worry our boys to get raped, being followed, etc. We know that they are capable to take care of themselves. Okay maybe we'll still get worried, but they'll definitely worry about us more. 

I don't know how to thank Hamdan for being such a great man in my life. He's always taking care of me so well and being the sweetest man in the whole universe. Nothing is comparable to this man. We sin, we make mistakes but I pray that we'll change for the better together. In Shaa Allah. I love him so much! 

Alhamdullilah, things have been fine when's in NS. Every body safe and sound. I am contented with whatever I have right now, my family, boyfriend and few friends around me. I'm rich and these people are definitely more than enough.

Overly Attached Girlfriend
// 9:08 AM

Its not only about you being my boyfriend. But its how you're always showering your love for me and being there for me all the time. Honestly, I've no idea what I am going to do without you. 

The reason why I'm never bored with having you around is because we treat each other's company like we're friends. We will tease, fight and explore places whatsoever. I don't care whatever I'm doing when I'm next to you, be it farting or digging my nose etc. I just love how you will make me laugh and put me into a smile. 

This guy.... is Amazing! I've never met someone like you. I don't even know how to place my words. My boyfriend, isn't like any other guys and that is final. This guy right here can follow me go shopping, telling me what to buy and won't ending up in my grandma's clothes. I dress up because he taught me how to and I am not kidding. 

Sure we may have a few fights that we do not want to remember. Okay maybe not a few but piles of gruelling ones 😳 Hey! Aren't we a couple? That's normal. We were just fighting for each other, of what's mine and what's yours. But no matter what, I know I'll still love you at the end of the day. 

Finally, Muhammad Hamdan Fathullah is the only I shall open up to. Why? That's only because I'm afraid others will judge my stories, look down on me or my families. But not Hamdan, I know that you won't. You're the only guy that I'm not embarassed talking about my problems or whatever. And that goes the same for Hamdan, you would always look cheerful in front of our friends. But even if you seem down, you're really not the kind that like to tell others the real matter. For a guy like you, you're pretty sensitive and quiet at times too. You want to be pampered by me, be it our mushy talks or even food. Also, I will be the only person you shall pour out your thoughts to.

NS Kia
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 // 10:49 AM

As parts and parcels of life, almost every girl in Singapore has to go through this ; Boyfriend's Enlistment Day.

Muahahaha! That's right. And I turned out to be one of them 😒 Not funny. One month and four days that Hamdan's already in National Service (NS), I can't say that time passed by fast as I'm not the one that's going through the pain. But it somehow surprised me that he's now left with only 3 months to POP! 🎊🎉🎓

Yay! What I've to say about this, Hamdan is my first boyfriend that went for NS. The confinement period was tough for me as I'm the kind that see him every single day. 14 days was torturous enough. I was already counting down the hour for him to call me as soon as he was out of sight. When he did, we barely talked for 10 minutes and I started to sob when he had to go. I'm that bad, aren't I? 😳

On 24th December, I think I was the happiest girl. Nono... I am not kidding. The day I had been waiting for had finally came. I went through 14 days without him, but of course I was more proud of my man for his first book out. It was the first time I saw him all suit up in his Smart 4, his face seems to be glowing too. I am not being dramatic but I'm speaking of the truth. Boy was I nervous and shaky! As though I was seeing him for the first time. MY man... Was dashingly handsome 😍

Few weeks came by, as his girlfriend I have learnt about the NS life too. Do I have to know all these? Hah kidding, i have to. I want to know what he does in there, what he eats, how is it like,etc. That's because I want to know his NS life better and understand him. 

What I've learnt for the past one month as a girlfriend of an NS Man,  is just to be there for him. That's all he needs. He just wants assurance that his girl is staying with him instead of running to another guy. As simple as giving him a few texts (even though he can't reply), get on the phone when there's a chance, listen to all of his stories even if you have to! Because what's important is to be there for him.

Team #7203 2012
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 // 1:12 PM

Dear Bloggers and Readers, something that I'd like to share with you all...

I've joined Cotton On Kids since Mid September 2012 where I was located at Plaza Singapura as a Part Timer. Ofcourse on your first day of work, you would feel nervous about the people that you're meeting. What I expected of my new job were only to do my work and get my pay on time and accurate. Oh and maybe get to know the staffs and treat them as acquaintence.

Over the months, my expectations didn't only stop there. In fact, a few more Part Timers joined in after my intake. Which also means I got to know more people and became attached to these group of people. Yes, attached. Honestly, I've never worked at a place for more than 3 months before and NEVER have I a group of colleagues so united.

I met some whom I thought was bipolar, a pain in the ass, friendly, snobbish, weird, soft spoken and so much more characteristics you can think of. But all these people definitely have a heart that cares for each other and are the ones that gave me the motivation to work.

When I thought I had a bad day, going to work just made me forget it all. There's always something to look forward to.

Till one day some resigned, terminated and went for attachments. What got worse was the reshufflement between the management of stores. It was then the impact was felt. I could feel slowly they were going off one by one. Strange, but I feel so empty. What's there to look forward to anymore? Only of what's left.

I reflected. This job is only a temparory job. It is a job that we need when we're still schooling to get our extra allowance. But this is not a permanent job because for sure all of us leave one day to get too our proper job when we are already adults.

Therefore, I choose to have this job to be a part of my memory. I had the best job by far with the best colleagues that I could click with so easily. Team #7203 will always be in my heart.

What made me glad is that I had a great day with the old team. It felt like the old days. We visited Regina for her graduation at NYP, celebrated Naja's Birthday and visited Rey Rey at work after being in the United States for 2 months. I'm still feelinf the hype now.

Saturday, May 25, 2013 // 6:17 PM

Over the years I may have met some people. Well, partly I've met a group of soccer boys called BPFC. They're definitely a group of friends that I adore from the start. No matter what it is, how busy each individuals are, they will find themselves back to each other. & not long after, these group of people have become a part of me.

A confession that I have to make, I wish I was a boy myself. So I could play soccer with em, join their conversations about soccer games and matches or even play PS3 at each other houses. That... I have to admit I missed out a lot on. Because I'm a girl.

I admit, I don't even have the interest for soccer. But ofcourse I do support them in their passion. I watch them play some times whenever I can and also watch soccer games on TV. But yeah, its kinda fun. Obviously, I don't understand what's the game about or which team are they supporting but I know I didn't have to pretend to be "Ms Know A Lot" just to fit in. Because I would always ask after that. They are the ones that can make me really happy, laugh so bad and feel so welcomed.

These people are important to me and these people are definitely the ones that I wanna keep.


Anyone can listen but not just anyone can understand
Thursday, May 23, 2013 // 2:30 PM

Humans like us tend to share stories about our lives. Good times and bad times... But what we tend to share most is what we feel deep inside, a matter of what is kept for so long with someone else.